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DMS/ALC Partnerskabs-mødet i Lunderskov, september 1995. Fra venstre: Formand i DMS, provst Verner Tranholm-Mikkelsen i samtale med biskop John Franklin, Arcot Lutherske Kirke (ALC). Danmission Photo Archive
DMS/ALC Partnerskabs-mødet i Lunderskov, september 1995. Fra venstre: Formand i DMS, provst Verner Tranholm-Mikkelsen i samtale med biskop John Franklin, Arcot Lutherske Kirke (ALC). Danmission Photo Archive
Description EN:
The DMS/ALC Council of Partners meeting, Lunderskov, September 1995. Left to right: DMS Chairman, Dean Verner Tranholm-Mikkelsen, in conversation with Bishop John Franklin, Arcot Lutheran Church (ALC). Danmission Photo Archive