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ELCT, Arusha, Tanzania. Deltagere ved konsultation i Det Lutherske Samarbejdsorgan (LCS). Lars Hofgren, kasserer i ELCT (tv) og Allan J. Gottneid, sekretær for kristendoms-undervisning i ELCT (th). Danmission Photo Archive
ELCT, Arusha, Tanzania. Deltagere ved konsultation i Det Lutherske Samarbejdsorgan (LCS). Lars Hofgren, kasserer i ELCT (tv) og Allan J. Gottneid, sekretær for kristendoms-undervisning i ELCT (th). Danmission Photo Archive
Description EN:
ELCT, Arusha, Tanzania. Participants in the Lutheran Coordination Service (LCS) Consultation. Lars Hofgren, Treasurer in ELCT (left) and Allan J. Gottneid, Secretary of Christian Education in ELCT (right). Danmission Photo Archive