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Den Evg. Lutherske Kirke/ELCT, Nordveststiftet, Tanzania, september 1997. Kirkecentret i Bukoba, hvor missionær Anna Marie Wemmelund var leder, 1987-2005. Danmission Photo Archive
Den Evg. Lutherske Kirke/ELCT, Nordveststiftet, Tanzania, september 1997. Kirkecentret i Bukoba, hvor missionær Anna Marie Wemmelund var leder, 1987-2005. Danmission Photo Archive
Description EN:
Evg. Lutheran Church in Tanzania/ELCT, North Western Diocese. The Church Centre at Bukoba, September 1997. Missionary Anna Marie Wemmelund served as the leader, 1987 2005. Danmission Photo Archive