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West Bengal, Nordindien, 1978. Missionær Ellen Laursen i Narainpur, hvor hun lagde størstedelen af sin livsopgave. (Ellen Laursen var leder af Narainpur Pigekostskole, 1951-75. Boede fortsat her indtil 1981. Hun døde året efter i Danmark). Danmission Photo Archive
West Bengal, Nordindien, 1978. Missionær Ellen Laursen i Narainpur, hvor hun lagde størstedelen af sin livsopgave. (Ellen Laursen var leder af Narainpur Pigekostskole, 1951-75. Boede fortsat her indtil 1981. Hun døde året efter i Danmark). Danmission Photo Archive
Description EN:
West Bengal, North India, 1978. Missionary Ellen Laursen at Narainpur, where she had her main 'Mission of life'.(Ellen Laursen was Head of Narainpur Girl's Boarding School, 1951-75. She stayed on in India until 1981, and died the following year in Denmark). Danmission Photo Archive