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Åbning af Mehr Ayin Bookshop på Abbasabad Avenue i Isfahan, Iran, 1974. Butikken er associeret med Family Bookshop Group (FBG). I baggrunden ses bl. a. DMS missionær Lis Munksgaard. Danmission Photo Archive
Åbning af Mehr Ayin Bookshop på Abbasabad Avenue i Isfahan, Iran, 1974. Butikken er associeret med Family Bookshop Group (FBG). I baggrunden ses bl. a. DMS missionær Lis Munksgaard. Danmission Photo Archive
Description EN:
Opening of Mehr Ayin Bookshop on Abbasabad Avenue in Isfahan, Iran, 1974. The shop is associated with the Family Bookshop Group (FBG). At the back e.g. the DMS Missionary Lis Munksgaard. Danmission Photo Archive