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  • Manchuriet, Kina. Petune (Fuyü) Kirke på Indvielsesdagen, Pinsedag 1938. Menigheden forsamlet udenfor kirken efter gudstjenesten. Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Danish Missionary Society, Danmission, DMS, FOLDER094, Det Danske Missionsselskab, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Kirkeindvielse, Church Inauguration, Petune Kirke, Petune Church, Kirker - Kina, Churches - China, Fuyü - 富裕 - Petune - Fuyu, Kina - China - 中国, Dongbei - 东北- Manchuriet - Manchuria
    Last Modified: 17-07-2017
    File name: Folder094_00007A.tiff
  • Manchuriet, Kina. Den nye Kirke i Petune (Fuyü), set fra missionærboligen. (Foto 1938). Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Danish Missionary Society, Danmission, DMS, FOLDER094, Det Danske Missionsselskab, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Petune Kirke, Petune Church, Kirker - Kina, Churches - China, Fuyü - 富裕 - Petune - Fuyu, Kina - China - 中国, Dongbei - 东北- Manchuriet - Manchuria
    Last Modified: 17-07-2017
    File name: Folder094_00008A.tiff
  • Manchuriet, Kina. Grundstenen til den nye Kirke i Petune (Fuyü) lægges af missionær Peter Christian Nørgaard. Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Danish Missionary Society, Danmission, DMS, FOLDER094, Det Danske Missionsselskab, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Grundstensnedlæggelse, Grundsten, Foundation stone, Petune Kirke, Petune Church, Missionærer, Missionaries, Peter Christian Madsen Nørgaard, Peter Christian Nørgaard, Fuyü - 富裕 - Petune - Fuyu, Kina - China - 中国, Dongbei - 东北- Manchuriet - Manchuria
    Last Modified: 17-07-2017
    File name: Folder094_00011A.tiff