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  • Samtale om FBG (Family Bookshop Group) i Beirut, 1979. Fra højre: koordinator Hugh Thomas, biskop Thorkild Græsholt og Info-chef Jørgen Nørgaard Pedersen, DMS. Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Danmission, DIAS001, Det Danske Missionsselskab, Danish Missionary Society, DMS, Libanon, Lebanon, Beirut, Mellemøsten, Middle East, Family Bookshop Group - FBG, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Litteraturarbejdet, Literature work, Ledelse Administration, Management Administration, Hugh Thomas, Thorkild Græsholt, Jørgen Nørgaard Pedersen
    Last Modified: 21-10-2017
    File name: DM_0032.tiff
  • Direktør for Family Bookshop Group, Hugh Thomas, på sit kontor i Limassol, Cypern. Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Det Danske Missionsselskab, Danish Missionary Society, DMS, DIAS00D, Danmission, Cypern, Cyprus, Limassol, Mellemøsten, Middle East, Hugh Thomas, Ledelse Administration, Management Administration, Family Bookshop Group - FBG, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Litteraturarbejdet, Literature work
    Last Modified: 14-10-2017
    File name: DM_00907.tiff
  • Der tales bøger under åbningen af den nye boghandel i Beirut, 1971. Fra venstre: Hugh Thomas, (NN), den lokale præst. Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Danmission, Danish Missionary Society, Boghandler, Det danske Missionsselskab, Bookshop, FBG - Family Bookshop Group, FOLDER005, Mellemøsten, The Middle East, Libanon, Lebanon, Beirut, Tower Bookshop Beirut, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Hugh Thomas, Lokal præst, Local Pastor
    Last Modified: 09-07-2017
    File name: Folder005_00008A.tiff
  • Åbning af Tower Bookshop Beirut, 1971. Til venstre ses manager og litteratur koordinator, Hugh Thomas. Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Danish Missionary Society, Bookshop, Danmission, FBG - Family Bookshop Group, Boghandler, Det danske Missionsselskab, FOLDER005, Mellemøsten, The Middle East, Libanon, Lebanon, Beirut, Tower Bookshop Beirut, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Hugh Thomas, Ledelse Administration, Management Administration
    Last Modified: 07-02-2016
    File name: Folder005_00014A.tiff
  • FBG boghandlermøde, Kairo 1976, direktør Hugh Thomas. Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Det danske Missionsselskab, Danish Missionary Society, Danmission, Bookshop, Boghandler, FOLDER002, Egypten, Egypt, Cairo, Kairo, FBG - Family Bookshop Group, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Hugh Thomas, Ledelse Administration, Management Administration, Mellemøsten, The Middle East
    Last Modified: 06-02-2016
    File name: Folder002_00034A.tiff