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  • Øst Jeypore, Orissa, Indien. Dr. Lis Madsen undersøger en patient på Det Kristne Hospital Bissamcuttack (CHB), juni 1972. Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Danmission, FOLDER146, Det Danske Missionsselskab, Danish Missionary Society, DMS, Øst Jeypore, East Jeypore, Orissa, Bissamcuttack, Det Kristne Hospital Bissamcuttack, Christian Hospital Bissamcuttack, Lis Madsen, Ledelse Administration, Management Administration, Hospital Sundhed, Hospital Health, Patientbehandling, Patient treatmen, Indien, India
    Last Modified: 03-08-2017
    File name: Folder146_00046A.tiff