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  • Iran Anglikanske Kirkes Biskop, Rev. Hassan Dehqani-Tafti, indvier Mehr Ayin Bookshop i Isfahan, 1974. Associeret til Family Bookshop Group (FBG). Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Danmission, FOLDER006, Isfahan, Iran, Hassan Dehqani-Tafti, Den Anglikanske Kirke, The Anglican Church, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Det Danske Missionsselskab, Danish Missionary Society, DMS, Litteraturarbejdet, Litrerature work, Family Bookshop Group - FBG, Mehr Ayin Bookshop, Mehr Ayin Boghandel, Indvielse, Dedication
    Last Modified: 12-03-2016
    File name: Folder006_00003A.tiff
  • Åbning af Mehr Ayin Bookshop i Isfahan, Iran 1974. Butikken er associeret med Family Bookshop Group (FBG). I midten ses lederen, DMS missionær Leif Munksgaard. Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: Danmission, FOLDER006, Mehr Ayin Bookshop, FBG - Family Bookshop Group, Boghandler, Bookshop, Iran, Isfahan, Ispahan, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Det Danske Missionsselskab, Danish Missionary Society, DMS, Leif Munksgaard, Missionærer, Missionaries, Ledelse Administration, Management Administration
    Last Modified: 07-02-2016
    File name: Folder006_00002A.tiff
  • Åbning af Mehr Ayin Bookshop på Abbasabad Avenue i Isfahan, Iran, 1974. Butikken er associeret med Family Bookshop Group (FBG). I baggrunden ses bl. a. DMS missionær Lis Munksgaard. Danmission Photo Archive
    Keywords: FBG - Family Bookshop Group, Danish Missionary Society, Bookshop, Det danske Missionsselskab, Boghandler, Danmission, FOLDER006, Mehr Ayin Bookshop, Isfahan, Ispahan, Iran, Kirke Mission, Church Mission, Lis Munksgaard, Leif Munksgaard, Missionærer, Missionaries, Ledelse Administration, Management Administration
    Last Modified: 07-02-2016
    File name: Folder006_00001A.tiff